Our friends had been reminding us of not updating at this blog and we felt guilty about it! :)
Seth is 14 months now and he had really grown within these 2 months. He had started to call " Mama, Papa (all the times), ah ma, ah gong, jie jie, gou gou, gu gu, ah pai, nak nak, ah tok, car, ball, nana(banana), bra(zebra),frog(his favorite), duck, roo(kangaroo), bear and many many more.
When we show him pictures of different animals, he is able to name them and of course his favorite animal frog which is the animal that I am most afraid of ! ha ha ....
We had teaching him to say grace before his milk time. He will say "Amen". One of the day, my mother in law passed him a bottle of water and he said 'Amen" to her, that really amazed his grandma with a big laugh!
Seth had 6 tooth right now. The upper 4 tooth came out at the same time last month. We were quite worried cause the bottom 2 tooth were out when he is about 8 months. That means there is no growth at all for the past 5 months! He look really cute, will try to capture some pictures and post it later at the blog.
Nak Nak had wore some gold bangars on her hand. This morning when Seth saw it, he started playing and said "wow".Tok was beside them and everybody started laughing, how can a 14 months old baby know that gold is so valuable! Sometimes I just wonder how does this boy knew about all these stuffs!
Today KP's friend,Lulu and Wenna came to our house. I met Lulu at our house downstairs while on my way bk from my mother in law house(fetching Seth),Seth was quite shy when Lulu started to play with him in the lift. The minute he came in the house, he "allow" Lulu to carry him and had been playing very joyfully. How tricky he is, love to hang around with pretty girl at such a young age!
He used to sleep around 830pm, but today when I tried to put him to bed, he refused and wanted to join the rest of them. At the end, Tok brought him out for a car ride, to fetch Nak Nak from club and Nak Nak came bk with a baby felling asleep on her shoulder.