Thursday, May 28, 2009
KP had came out a brillant idea! He bought some marbles with 2 boxes.
If Seth did not cry when he go to school, he will be rewarded for 10 marbles. With that he will be able to exchange for 1 cartoon show for 5 marbles.
We had been sharing with Seth, he seem quite excited about it.
The following day, i sent Seth to school, reminded him about the "marble game". He listened quitely, and in my heart i was thinking, oh no it does not work at all.
I opened the classroom day, Miss Pam and Miss Susan were there.
"Miss Pam and Miss Susan, Seth is not crying today, he is going to earn the 10 marbles and exchange something very interesting..." The 2 teachers gave a big smile:)
Ha ha... u know what happened... IT WORKS!
Seth said bye bye to me and asked me to pick him at 1 pm, with a smile on his face....
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
No More Crying
Wow thats was really unusual, the very first time.... but why... ha ha... there is a field trip from his school... "make your own bear".
He was really excited, guess he is more excited about taking the coach to the destination.
"mum be quick, i will miss the bus" and he started to cry again. I have to pretend to call the bus driver, " uncle, can u wait for Seth, he dress up very quickly today, he is on his way"
"Seth, uncle said ok" .... immediately Seth smile :)
Seth had made a brown bear with a blue t-shirt . "Mum, my bear is different from my friend. All the boys had a bear with pink t-shirt, only mine is blue.... but all the girls had a bear with blue t-shirt".... Guess i got to check with the teacher...
Monday, May 18, 2009
Full Day Child Care
Seth had been watching TV at ah ma's house after school from 1 pm to 4 pm almost everyday, thats kind of worried for us. Thus we had decided to put him at the full day child care.
He had started the full day child care about 2 wks ago, it was really heartache to see him crying all the way from home to school. He will find all excuses ... eg. my shoe is too small, i want to eat butter bread, i want mummy to send me to school and stay with me.... just to delay some times. It was a "horrible" routine for KP and me every morning. He is the only one in class who will cry whenever we droped him in class. His helpful classmates will come and talk to him, clear his tears...
We will always look at him at the "viewing room" before leaving, he will be ok after a while. Thats kind of relieve for us, especailly seeing him enjoying his class when he is settled.
Seth will have a nap time in school about an hour. He had not been sleeping. I asked him why... he replied " if i sleep then it will be night time, the school will be my house" ha ha ha...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Pork and Popcorn
I told Seth " Seth, handsome guard is a muslim. We can buy him anything except pork" Seth replied" Oh, then he cannot eat popcorn as well...." Both KP and I laughed.... " Seth thats a good one ! ha ha ha.....
Friday, August 08, 2008
Prof P C Wong
This is my gynae, Prof P C Wong. Im 17th wk pregnant and today is my routine check.
For the past months, we had been telling Seth about Prof P C Wong. We wanted him to share the joy and introduce him his sibling. He went to the clinic with us today.
Seth love to take picture, he brought a camera, wanted to take a picture of Prof. When he arrived, he behaved very well. Prof said " u know kaganroo? the baby kaganroo stay at the kaganroo bag, now yr baby stay at yr mummy's tummy.... Seth replied " yeah i know, and u know kaganroo can fight?" (For whose who knew about our Australia trip and the VCD that Ah mah had produced will understand what Seth is talking about) Prof gave him a big smile.
Seth do not like other to carry him, but to my surprise, he went to Prof and wanted him to carry during photo taking.
This photo is taken by Seth.
After taking, Seth shifted to "play" mode and show it to Prof.
" Wow u are so clever, u know how to take picture?" Seth gave him a shy smiled to him, wave bye and said " Look, Im marching out.... left, right, left, right...." and out he went.
Prof laughed and said " its so nice to have a child right?"
Sunday, May 04, 2008
It's been a long time...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Club Med Bintan
Friday, April 18, 2008
Story Of A Man and A Boy
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Progress In School
The school will have a monthly toddler's news (Seth is currently at toddler class, he will be promoting to play group in about a week or two time), there was a picture of Seth and that drew my attention, so i decided to read on.......
The school had organised a movies time for the class (sound of music) and when it starts, Seth asked the teacher "where is the popcorn?" " We don't have popcorn, Seth" said Ms Irene. "where is the popcorn?" Seth asked repeatedly ( I told u he is very persistent). "Seth, Ms Irene will bring my popcorn machine on Friday. We will make popcorn and all of us can enjoy the show as we are eating our freshly made popcorn. Is it all right with u Seth?" said Ms Irene. "OK" agreed Seth.
Ms Irene did bring along the popcorn machine, showed and explain the children the process of popcorn making. I really appreciate the teacher for taking the additional effort to make learning more meaningful to the children.
Monday, March 03, 2008
A Surprise " I Love You"
KP had gone to work yesterday afternoon and this little boy had been asking " where is papa?". He waited for the whole afternoon, when he heard sound of keys at the door, he was very excited, jumping on the sofa. When KP opened the door, he said "Pa pa, I love you" with a big smiling face. We were so surprise! This is the first time he said that. And of course i am jealous about it......
This morning, i had gone out to throw some rubbish (the cute is outside the house), when i opened the door, Seth was standing behind the door, "Mama, I love you"... Wow, that's really melting...... Its a "special feeling" only those are parents will understand, right?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Moving out - Jalan Batu
We were worried that Seth will be sad about moving out, thus we had been telling him a wk before our shifting . "This house does not belong to us anymore, we had sold to one of the Uncles and we do not have the keys to come in by next wk" He was all right at the begining, but the very last day of staying, we reminded him again, and he started to cry - " Mummy i dont want to shift out, this is my house, i want to come home" WOW.............. When i heard this i nearly cried infront of him, but of course i hold it bk.
The day had arrived for us to hand over the keys. I had arranged to bring Seth along, to show him that we had passed the keys to the buyer. The buyer brought along his 4yr old boy and he was running all over the house (which was very dusty and dirty after shifting out). He started to pick up some of Seth's toys and bks which i left in the cartoon and its meant to give it to him. Seth is of course jealous about it, and he started to snatch, cry .... " This is my house, my toys... give it bk to me" Its really heartbreaking........
We had shifted to Senn's house at Haig Ave, (Kp sister) yesterday when we drove bk from my mother in law house, we did not turn right which lead us to Jalan Batu, Seth started to cry again,"Mummy i want to go home, i dont want to go to Si Gu's house"
It had never come across us that Seth will be so emotional.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Selamat Hari Raya

It is the best time of the year again, well, for us, it is the best time. Remember our neighbour, Majik and Pajik, where Seth call them Nak Nak and Tok. During Hari Raya, Majik will cook her famous delicious dishes at the corridor outside her house. And tell you guys something, she will cook enough food for at least 70 to 100 over people.
On the actual day, you will see guest coming to her house non-stop from morning till night. The best part is, there will always be enough food for everyone. Her Malay dishes, hmm...... the best I had tasted in my life!
You can see in this photo, I kapo kapo, help out a but, and Majik will tell me all her secret ingredients...

So, what so funny about Seth during Hari Raya. On this photo, you can see Tok. What is so special about Tok today is his hair......
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Seth's First Fund Raising

Kp and I had bought some water painting material for Seth. This is the first time he drew on such a big drawing paper (compare to his size), I was quite worried what he is going to draw. Laid on the floor with lots of newspaper, he started to dip his brush with colour and mixed it with lots and lots of water. He started to "sprinkle" on the paper and he enjoyed doing it (laughing all the way). It was done in about 05 mins. To my suprise, it was really nice!
The day had came, the art gallery exhibition, Seth was so proud of himself, he saw his painting hanging up there, started telling every auntie and uncle "Seth's painting" and of course his painting was sold for $50. So to who? of course to Mr and Mrs Yeo.... Ha ha....
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Friday, July 06, 2007
Bintan 22 to 24 Jun
Friday, June 29, 2007
Ha ha ha.... found these pictures while browsing our photos. Seth is 11 months old. Look at his naughty expression ... its really funny....
This phot0 was captured with all the struggling... thats because whenever we took picture or video taking for Seth, he would like to hold the camera or video. He is pointing to the camera I'm holding.
Seth own a digital camera now, which i bought it about 7 yrs ago. He enjoy it very much and so do i ..... :)
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Photos - Port Dickson
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
"Lar Lar"
Seth was not sleeping well, woke up a few times in the night. He was having high fever, he started to cry" Mummy, lar lar... water... water" KP laughed and said he must be having sore throat!
We brought him to Dr Yap the next day. During the journey, he was talking all the way " Good morning Dr Yap", " Hi Dr Yap". KP commented that when he reached the clinic he will not say anything. When he saw Dr Yap, he kept quiet and starred at him.... ha ha... the father know the son so well!
Seth was having fever, bad throat infection and flu.
Port Dickson 9 to 11 Jun
My parents in laws were with us this trip. When he is in his room, he will start asking "Ah ma and Gong Gong where?" but when we brought him to their room, he would want to go bk to his room. Its really tiring, following him all around.
Seth had been eating all kinds of food, especially lots of fried stuffs ( fish and chip, Mac, hash brown...) and cholocate biscuits and apple juice. He loves apple juice (2nd time trying) and asked for more " Mama buy apple juice, ok?". When he dont behave well, start bitting and hitting others, he will say " No more apple juice" .... ha ha ha....
We were shifed to a water chalets on the second day. Everyone of us were so exited about it. There will be a glass at the centre of the room where one can see all the sea creatures.
When we open the door, Seth were so exited, not afraid, went to the glass and said "Wow" He started jumping. As for me, i will try not to walk on the glass, a feeling of falling down any moment.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Cried In School
When the grandma left him, he will cry for a while. He began to stick to one of the teachers, Miss Goh, until today when she is not around, he will start to cry.
There is a window glass which is about 15 cm wide, we peep at Seth during story time. Its so funny, he will listen to the teacher and the next second he started to cry, cried for a few seconds, he stopped then started crying again.
Seth had never like to have anything around his body (neck, hand, leg, head), thats why until today he still refused to wear a cap. When i saw the teacher put his water bottle on his neck, i knew he is going to cry.... and it really happened....
First Day At School - School House By The Bay

Seth's grandparents had bought him to his cousin, Jiawei school everyday. He started to cry once he left the classroom. Thus we enrolled him to the class. We thought he is able to go to school once we paid the school fee but it was on a waiting list of 10 children! Fortunely all his other cousins had been studying at School House By the Bay, we are able to "jump quene".
Seth did very well on the first day. He did not cry at all.
Being curious and worried on his first day of school, KP and myself went to visit him at school. Secretly peeped and took some pictures of him. He is so independant, he played with Jiawei and other friends, eat by himself.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Music Class
He loved the class so much.
KP and myself had gone together for his 1st lesson. Unfortuneally only one parent is allowed in class, thus KP had to wait outside the class. The 2nd lesson was brought by me along, which KP suggested and its the first time i had drove Seth with such a long distance. I was so worried that he will yell in the car as what he had always did, and i prayed to GOD!!
We sang his favourite songs, talking all the way. He said and pointed "mummy, big lorry" I was so amazed, he speaks well at his age. He behaved so well through out the journey. Seth, mummy is so proud of u.
He was very reserve during the 1st lesson. Observing what the friends are doing, cause he is the youngest in class, most of them are about 24 months. The teacher request a hug from him after the lesson but he refused :( . She commented he had done very well for his 1st lesson and encourage me to continue to communicate with him during the class.
Today, the 3rd lesson, he began to open up. He played with his friends, went infront of the group and he gave the teacher and the friend's mummy a hug. But he only did to those "ang mo" mother ... ha ha ha
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Botanic Garden
Friday, February 23, 2007
Chinese New Year
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Sunday School

One of Seth's lastest photo...
This is the first time Seth had attended to Sunday School. The class are meant for children of age 3 yrs and above. The teacher do welcome Seth for coming to the class although he does not really understand what they are doing. But when it come to singing, this cute little boy start to sing at his own words, dancing, clapping and he really enjoy himself! All the big brothers and sisters were laughing at him.
When it came to tea break, after saying grace, all the children were queing, waiting for their turn to eat. Seth saw the bread on the table, hold my hand, he rushed all the way and obviously he is the only one not queing, grabed the bread and put right into his mouth... (KP and myself were laughing all the way and we really hope we have a video camera with us)
One of the teachers commented " Wow yr son is fantastic, u dont need to worry that he will get hungry ... Hahaha..."
Friday, January 05, 2007
Seth at 14 Months
Seth is 14 months now and he had really grown within these 2 months. He had started to call " Mama, Papa (all the times), ah ma, ah gong, jie jie, gou gou, gu gu, ah pai, nak nak, ah tok, car, ball, nana(banana), bra(zebra),frog(his favorite), duck, roo(kangaroo), bear and many many more.
When we show him pictures of different animals, he is able to name them and of course his favorite animal frog which is the animal that I am most afraid of ! ha ha ....
We had teaching him to say grace before his milk time. He will say "Amen". One of the day, my mother in law passed him a bottle of water and he said 'Amen" to her, that really amazed his grandma with a big laugh!
Seth had 6 tooth right now. The upper 4 tooth came out at the same time last month. We were quite worried cause the bottom 2 tooth were out when he is about 8 months. That means there is no growth at all for the past 5 months! He look really cute, will try to capture some pictures and post it later at the blog.
Nak Nak had wore some gold bangars on her hand. This morning when Seth saw it, he started playing and said "wow".Tok was beside them and everybody started laughing, how can a 14 months old baby know that gold is so valuable! Sometimes I just wonder how does this boy knew about all these stuffs!
Today KP's friend,Lulu and Wenna came to our house. I met Lulu at our house downstairs while on my way bk from my mother in law house(fetching Seth),Seth was quite shy when Lulu started to play with him in the lift. The minute he came in the house, he "allow" Lulu to carry him and had been playing very joyfully. How tricky he is, love to hang around with pretty girl at such a young age!
He used to sleep around 830pm, but today when I tried to put him to bed, he refused and wanted to join the rest of them. At the end, Tok brought him out for a car ride, to fetch Nak Nak from club and Nak Nak came bk with a baby felling asleep on her shoulder.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Australia Tour

It has beed a long time since I last update this blog. We just come back from Australia last week. Here are some photos of our trip. More will be uploaded in hopefully 1 or 2 weeks time...
Drinking milk on the beach, wow, really an enjoyment! Feeding milk on the beach...... haha! I'm enjoying myself very much too!
Look at him, he didn't finish his milk, can't wait to join in the fun at the beach.
All in a day's work. Part and parcel of parenting... I have seen and experience 'shit' of 2 nieces and 4 nephews before Seth was borned. However, whenever my mum or my sis's maid changed the children's soiled diaper, I would normally stand at least 3 meters away. Before Seth was born, my mother and my brother sometimes ask me who is going to change his diapers next time. I would normally just replied "Jaz loh"... But to my surprise, one fine sunny morning. Seth soiled his diaper, Jaz was in the other room, and I'm all alone with him. I just open his diaper and begin to change him. Haha, don't know where I got the strength, the fear of "shit" just disappear into thin air... Now, sometimes Jaz could not even bear the smell of Seth's waste and I have to do it!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Seth, Our Beautiful Child
Seth picked up things really fast, the first day, there were lots of birds flying around, I pointed the sky and told him"Look Seth, birds are flying up in the sky" he looked up with a beautiful smile and kept watching. Today we were there again and I asked him "Seth where are the birds?" He looked up the sky with his hands pointing towards the sky. I was really amazed!
Seth loves pets especially cats and dogs. Whenever he saw them he got really excited. We were in the river, a golden retriever passed by, he wanted so much to get up (cause im pushing him on his bicycle). The minute I carried him he was so excited, kicking his legs,swinging his hands, smiling. He wanted to touch the dog, not afraid of him. I'm the one who is afraid, afraid the dog might bite him, his saliva... I'm recalling, Am I being too protective? (KP will definitely say YES! Ha ha ha...) I hope he did not miss out his fun because of me.....
Give thanks to God for this beautiful child!!!!!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
My Baby

The minute I walked away from Seth, this is how he will look. How adorable.... Hahaha !!!
Seth had been very "sticky" for the past weeks. Perhaps he had too much attention from me. Even at his grandma house, when I looked at him, is a must for me to carry him. We tried to distract him but failed.
We had left him at Nek Nek's house and went for dinner. He loved to play with all the family members (he had been playing everynight at Nek Nek's house) and i thought that it would be all right to leave him for a while. When we got back, his eyes were teary wanted so much of our hugs. Was told that he was looking for me, he does not want anyone even its Nek Nek and Tok, perhaps its bedtime!